Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Supreme Court Follies and a Delay-ed Reaction

"She's never been a judge before, never served on the bench. This is part of President Bush's strategy of surrounding himself with people who are also in over their heads."
--Jay Leno, on Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers
Happiness is watching conservatives worry about a Supreme Court nomination by a Republican president.
-The Buzz
"President Bush, out defending his Supreme Court nominee today. Bush said Miers has a good heart. Well, yeah, compared to Dick Cheney."
--Jay Leno
"First Lady Laura Bush will appear on an upcoming episode of 'Extreme Makeover.' Tom DeLay will be on 'Cops.'"
--Jay Leno
"President Bush's top adviser Karl Rove testified before the grand jury for the fourth time this week. Maybe Bush should nominate him for Supreme Court. He's been in more courtrooms then Harriet Miers now."
--Jay Leno
"While trying to defend his nomination of Harriet Miers, President admitted he and Miers had never discussed abortion. Said Bush, 'Luckily it turned out to be a false alarm.'"
--Amy Poehler, Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update"
“Newsweek reports that President Bush likes Harriet Miers because she didn't go to an Ivy League school, she worked hard and she's achieved everything on her own without family help. So, see that, opposites attract.”
– Jay Leno
“It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.”
– Helen Keller
President Bush is taking more liberal positions -- for example, global warming. He used to be against it, but now it's the Republican plan for heating homes this winter.
– Jay Leno
"Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers told the New York Times that George Bush was the most brilliant man she ever met, which is kind of scary. She only has one known opinion, and that's it."
--Jay Leno
"One thing I've noticed about politics is that these guys have pretty thick hides. I know a number of Republican Senators, and have had no problem socializing with them. Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, John McCain. I've talked to ten or fifteen Republican Senators in the past, and I've even gotten along with people like Rick Santorum. I've never told one of them to go fuck himself, like the Vice President did with [Patrick] Leahy."
-Al Franken
"According to the latest poll, only 2% of African Americans think Bush is doing a good job. Yeah, the number would have been higher, but Condoleezza Rice has a very small family."
--Conan O'Brien
"President Bush is getting a lot of grief from conservatives about Harriet Miers' lack of legal opinions. Which is kind of surprising, a woman without any opinions? That's like a Republican's dream, isn't it?"
--Jay Leno
"It was raining so hard down in Washington, D.C., Tom DeLay didn't even have to launder his money."
--David Letterman
"Guns have little or nothing to do with juvenile violence. The causes of youth violence are working parents who put their kids into daycare, the teaching of evolution in the schools, and working mothers who take birth control pills."
–Tom DeLay
"We're not running our country down when we criticize it. We're trying to make it better."
– Bill Maher
That last one says it all...
-Mr. Joseph

1 comment:

Mr. Joseph said...

I hate you and your stupid ilk. Die a miserable death.