Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Max Cleland: “I Don’t Agree with a Damn Thing the Attorney General Said”

From Crooks and Liars...

Wolf Blitzer had an interview with Alberto Gonzales a little bit ago, which we won’t pain you with. Gonzales beat his drum right along the Whitehouse talking points and kept insisting that Iraq was a major front in the war on terror, as well as downplayed the importance of actually capturing Osama. Following the interview, Max Cleland came on to give his rebuttal:

BLITZER: Do you agree with the attorney general as far as his assessment of the importance or lack thereof, if you will, of Osama bin Laden overall in terms of the war on terror?

MAX CLELAND (D), FORMER GEORGIA SENATOR: I don’t agree with a damn thing the attorney general said. It is al Qaeda, stupid. It is Osama bin Laden and his terrorist cadre that must be killed or captured, period. If we don’t have high government officials in Washington who understand that, we need new high government officials.

VIDEO: Cleland on the Attorney General

LINK: Max Cleland: “I Don’t Agree with a Damn Thing the Attorney General Said”
(More Transcript is available)

Good ole' Max Cleland!

-Mr. Joseph

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